New Zealand – Nelson Classic Car Museum

Imps In Museums

Nelson Classic Car Museum

1 Cadillac Way

Website : Nelson Classic Car Museum

To avoid disappointment please check with museum before making a visit

Front view Sunbeam Stiletto
Sunbeam Stiletto in Claret Metallic
Rear view Sunbeam Stiletto
Sunbeam Stiletto fitted with after-market sunroof

Photos taken and supplied by a non-member – his comment after visiting:
 “The WOW museum is really good, lots of British cars in amongst some huuuge American stuff. The guys who look after and restore the cars are a friendly bunch, happy to natter for a few minutes about your favourites.”

Stiletto between American car & British Wolseley
This very smart Stiletto is dwarfed by its neighbours!
Stiletto - Rear view
Sunbeam Stiletto has non-standard overriders