Calling Imp Club Members!
Have YOU ever thought about getting more involved in the running of The Imp Club? The services you receive as a member don’t just happen – behind the scenes there are around 60 Imp Club members who help to ensure the smooth running of YOUR Club.
We have 3 Directors heading up the team:
then, in alphabetical order, the rest of the Committee is made up of:
ACCO (Area Centre Co-Ordinator)
Advertising Co-Ordinator
Competition Secretary
DVLA Contact
Editor (Impressions Magazine)
Events Secretary
Forum Manager
IT Officer
Membership Secretary
PRO (Public Relations Officer)
Spares Co-Ordinator
Spares Facilitator
Regalia Officer
Website Editor
But it doesn’t stop there, there are also:
Model Registrars (around a dozen of these)
Young Members Registrar
Area Centre Officers (currently there are around 40 UK area centres)
At this year’s AGM in October several Committee members are vacating their posts:
Chairman, Secretary, Regalia Officer, IT Officer, PRO and ACCO
None of the roles are ‘jobs for life’ and all Committee posts are up for re-election on an annual basis. If anything takes your fancy or you are interested in finding out what is involved please contact the Secretary or Chairman through the Committee Contacts page.