Richard Knight
Richard Vaughan Knight (1949 – 2020)
Founder of The Imp Club
Richard was born in Bradford and at age four moved with his family to Swindon where he grew up. He was apprenticed in telecommunications and spent many years with the then Post Office Telecommunications (now BT) before doing contract work at various places. In between contracts, and with a love of motor bikes and cars, he ‘temporarily’ took a post in a car accessory business. Richard met his wife Sue through a mutual friend and they married in 1976. With his two daughters the time was never right to move on to another contract and his ‘temporary’ job became permanent. Imp ownership progressed from his original green Hillman Imp to a blue Singer Chamois and then to a Commer Imp Van with a rear seat conversion to make room for the family.
Around 1978/1979 Richard became aware that some Imp parts were becoming difficult to find and the idea of meeting other owners began to grow. In 1980 he wrote a letter to various car magazines to find other like minded owners. Before long many people answered and the embryo of an idea became a reality. Membership numbers rose and a club magazine was launched.
Listen to Richard talking about his Singer Chamois and founding the Imp Club here.
In the early days Richard’s wife Sue typed the stencils and Richard printed the magazine on an old duplicating machine followed by collating and posting. After a while a committee was formed and the Imp Club as we know it was well and truly in business. Regular meetings and get togethers gelled the club which has gone from strength to strength ever since.
Richard’s beautiful Imp Van was written off by a speeding motor bike and sadly this was the last Imp that Richard owned. He moved back into telecommunications and with company cars and long hours of work was unable to find the time to own and care for an Imp, although the love was never lost.
Visiting events and meeting Imp owners was always a pleasure. Richard was looking forward to the 40-year anniversary with delight that the idea had lasted so long.
Through his illness he would often reminisce on the journeys and adventures with various breakdowns and repairs en route. The love of the Imp remained to the end and within the family for ever.
Thank you to Richard’s wife, Sue, who provided the above obituary. The Imp Club is very pleased that Sue Knight has taken on the role of Vice President of the Imp Club since Richard’s passing.